Catering Services
The CCSU Catering team recognizes it's important to elevate human connectivity now more than ever. We remain dedicated to providing quality catering in the safest way possible. Whether you're bringing people together for an in-person or virtual meeting we will work to accommodate your needs.
Please contact us by phone at 860.832.3767 or connect with us on so we can create an offer that's right for you.
INTRODUCING our all-inclusive catering menu packaging. Hosting an all-day event? Take advantage of this “new” feature... Hassel Free Ease of Placing One Catering Order for Multiple Service Times One Master Invoice Never worry about running out of beverages - continuous refills with the beverage package.
Prior to arranging for catering please contact CCSU’s Central Reservations Office at ext. 21964 (860.832.1964) to have a reservation setup in the university’s system. Your assigned reservation number will be required to place an order. Orders can be placed online at
At CCSU Dining we are following all University, State of CT and CDC guidelines for Covid-19.